Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient practice focused on harmonizing the balance between yin and yang energies. The symbiotic relationship between these opposing forces forms the core of this holistic approach. Life itself is sustained by a vital energy known as 'qi,' which flows seamlessly and expansively in all directions. Inner and outer harmony of this energy leads to an overall sense of well-being and peace.

However, disruptions in the balance of yin and yang energies—blockages, stagnation, or dominance of one over the other—can pave the way for ailments and diseases. Each individual experiences these health concerns uniquely, influenced by the constitution of their body and mind.

The TCM modalities that I use are acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbs, and cupping.

My approach


Assess your overall constitution.

I will take an in-depth look at your diet/digestion, sleep, energy, stress, and physical movement.


Target organ systems that are overworked or under nourished.

I will create an individulized treatment protocol based on your symptom profile.


Promote balance and harmony between yang/yin qi and vital organs.

Round out your visits with additional your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health recommendations.

 I want to learn more

  • Feminine energy


    Cold — Coolness

    Darkness — Night time

    Rest, recovery


    Stillness — Grounded



    Introspective — Inward moving

  • Masculine energy


    Heat — Warmth

    Light — Day time

    Activity — Movement





    External/Outward moving

  • The energy that is in all living things. You may know this as:

    • Life force

    • Prana

    • Vital force

    • Spirit

    • Ki

    • Vis

  • You can learn more by clicking here.

  • You can learn more by click here.

  • Yes. There are many ways to use TCM alongside conventional medicines.

    Always check with your health care provider to ensure it is safe for your specific case.

I want to learn how traditional Chinese medicine can help me achieve my health goals.